Spring Cleaning Tips for Product Managers

Spring Cleaning Tips for Product Managers
Spring Cleaning Tips for Product Managers

As a product management coach, I often see overloaded to-do lists and overwhelmed individuals struggling to prioritize their work. That’s why I wanted to introduce you to the concept of a “Not-to-do List.” If you’re in need of product management tips, keep reading.

What is a Not-do-do List?

A Not-to-do List is a great way to declutter your mind and focus on what is truly important to you. It involves taking a list of activities or commitments and highlighting anything that you won’t do or attend in the future. Just like spring cleaning, it’s the perfect opportunity to take a step back and evaluate what’s essential and what’s not.

The benefits of creating a Not-do-do List

  1. Gain control of your time.
  2. Increase your productivity.
  3. Learn to set boundaries. 

Saying no to some activities doesn’t mean you’re not committed. It means you’re taking control of your time and prioritizing your work. By creating a Not-to-do List, you can free up your schedule and focus on the tasks that matter most.

If you want to learn more about how to say no, check out this article: Master the Art of Saying “No” as a Product Manager.

Examples of things Product Managers could stop doing (or at least reduce)

As a product manager with a never-ending to-do list, some common time wasters that I could stop doing might include:

  • Attending unnecessary meetings: Often, meetings can take up a lot of time without being productive. It’s important to evaluate which meetings are essential and which can be skipped.
  • Answering emails immediately: Constantly checking and responding to emails can be a huge time suck. Setting specific times to check and respond to emails can help to reduce distractions and improve productivity.
  • Working on non-essential tasks: As a product manager, there may be tasks that are not directly related to product development or strategy, such as administrative tasks or managing other teams. Identifying tasks that can be delegated or removed from the to-do list can help to free up time for more essential tasks.
  • Micromanaging: It’s important to trust team members to do their jobs effectively without constant oversight. Micromanaging can take up a lot of time and create unnecessary stress.

I hope you find this useful and consider implementing it in your daily routine. Remember, taking small steps towards a more organized and focused approach can make a big difference in achieving your product management career goals.

Want more tips on how to be a more effective product manager? Download my free 24-page guide, How to be a Better Product Manager. 

By implementing a not-to-do list and cutting out these common time wasters, you can improve your control over time, increase productivity, and set better boundaries. This will ultimately allow you to focus on the most important tasks and drive success for your product.

By creating a Not-to-do List, you can gain control over your time, increase productivity, and set better boundaries for yourself. In this way, you can focus on the tasks that matter most and achieve success in your career as a product manager. If you’re interested in more product management tips and support, consider downloading my free guide or scheduling a free consultation call with me. Remember, small changes can lead to big improvements in your daily routine and career goals.

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