Tools & Resources

Here is where you can find all of the tools and resources I've created to help you become a better product manager and build products people love. Some are free, some require a small purchase, but they will all provide you with techniques, step-by-step guides, and the confidence to become the best product management leader you can be. 

AI Job Search Command Center

AI Job Search Command Center

Go from "I don't think I can possibly do another job application" to "OMG, I feel so much more confident about getting hired!

Product Manager Success Guide

Product Manager's Success Guide

From how to start talking to customers to learning how to use data more effectively, this ebook is packed with useful tips that you can immediately put into actionable next steps.

90-Day Plan for Your New PM Role

If you’re about to start a new role in product management and are unsure how to start on the right foot, download my FREE guide to starting a new PM job, which includes your roadmap to success and lots of helpful resources to learn even more. 

Product Discovery for Beginners - a how to guide

Product Discovery for Beginners

Imagine kicking off your next big project confident that you can build the right product your customers love — and will happily pay for! Product Discovery for Beginners is the answer!

year end retrospective for product managers

Year-end Retrospective Guide

A year-end retrospective is an opportunity to reflect on what went well and what didn’t. This will help you set your goals for the new year.

This free guide will help you review the past year to identify what went well, what could’ve gone better, and what you can do to set yourself up for a successful new year.

My Favorite PM Books

I’m a big advocate of reading books and believe it’s one of the least expensive ways to educate yourself on a variety of topics.

PM Job Search Bootcamp Bonus Bundle

This program has everything you need to successfully get hired! Plus, it includes my PM Interview Question Vault with more than 100 challenging interview questions and the frameworks and tips that will help you interview confidently. 

Product Management Courses & Resources

Recommended Tools for Product Managers

These are the apps and tools I use to build better products.